This is going to be my research blog, my inspirational blog and well, just about everything blog! Design Theory In Jewellery....

Thursday, March 3, 2011

As a Designer, why is it important to be aware of the gestalt principles?

Gestalt principles are important in any and all area's of design because of the factor in which binds us all together, the tendencies that we ALL do subconsciously one way or another. We see more than meets the eye (actually the other way round) though not correct at times, we almost experience a kind of illusion, although these are "errors!" it gives a fascinating insight into how our eyes communicate with our brain. Whether we are young or old, our minds always try to make sense and order out of something to better understand it. Its also a way in which each individual looks upon something and interprets it. Being aware of the gestalt principles allows us to be able to design in a way in which people will understand and almost have a sense of comprehension, even on basic level by looking at shapes, colour, tone. Everyone looks at something different, but the same process occurs.

Something that has no flow will not be interpreted by the mind as easily as something that has a sense of continuity, movement from one aspect of a design to the other. Gestalt also plays a huge part in the practicality of a design, If something is to be used, it must be designed urgonormically (designed to work with or around the human body) Without these basic Gestalt design principles, to narrow our focus in design we would be lost. This is now all the more apparent now that we are learning to become Jewellery Designers.....

I can't WAIT!!!

Click here for a really interesting read on Gestalt Theory and Illusions!

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